Announcing the 2017 Virginia Vistas Photo Contest Winners!
We are so excited to announce the winners of our annual Virginia Vistas Photo Contest. The winners were revealed on Sunday, July 9 by the Richmond Times-Dispatch in a(titled Enjoy the Views) in their Sunday Flair section. Take a look, and let us know what you think! And yes, note card sets of the ten Winners are available! Call us at (804) 643-VIEW (8439) or to place your order.
Country Lane by Richard Koth, Best in Show WinnerGeorge and Old City Hall by Bill Piper, Cities & Towns WinnerFishing for Rays by John Ernst, Coastal & Chesapeake Bay WinnerRural Landscape by Robert Coles, Farms & Open Spaces WinnerRoute 250, Highland County by Robert Coles, Highways & Byways WinnerPowell Valley by Liz Clayton, Mountains & Valleys WinnerSunset on the York River by Chris Beasley, Rivers & Waterways WinnerFoggy Sunrise at James River State Park by Roderick Perkinson, State Parks WinnerLight in the Woods by John Ernst, Scenic Trees WinnerMill Creek behind Jamestown Island by Roderick Perkinson, Vistas with Wildlife Winner