Make sure to fill out the Virginia Outdoors Survey by 5 pm on August 24. The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Scenic Virginia want your to know your opinions!
What is the point of the survey?
The survey assesses the popularity and needs for outdoor recreation facilities across the commonwealth. DCR wants to identify the outdoor recreational activities that Virginians do. Even if you don’t get outdoors for recreation it’s important that DCR hears from you to get a good picture of all Virginians. The Virginia Outdoors Survey helps shape the Virginia Outdoors Plan.
What is the Virginia Outdoors Plan?
The Virginia Outdoors Plan (VOP) is the state’s comprehensive plan for land conservation, outdoor recreation and open-space planning. The document helps all levels of government and the private sector meet needs pertaining to those matters. The plan is required for Virginia to participate in the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund program. In addition, it provides guidance for the protection of lands through the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation. You can read more about the VOP here.
How easy is it to fill out the survey?
Very easy! If you conduct the survey on your own computer, you can save your responses and come back later. It will probably take you about 20 minutes to fill out the survey, depending on the length of your answers.
Why should I care about taking the Virginia Outdoors Survey this year?
Since the 1970s, the Virginia Outdoors Survey (VOS) has been conducted as a random survey of Virginia residents. For the first time, the 2017 survey is open to the general public. DCR wants you and anyone you wish to share the link with to take the 2017 Virginia Outdoors Survey. The online survey will close at 5 p.m. on Aug. 24.
Here is the link to the survey that you can copy and paste to share:
What is Scenic Virginia’s connection to the Virginia Outdoors Plan?
Scenic Virginia serves on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Virginia Outdoors Plan. We want to make sure that Virginia’s scenic resources get the recognition and protection that they deserve! Feel the same way we do? Make sure to take the survey and voice your opinions!