Best in Show Winner: “Sunrise at Harrison Lake” (Harrison Lake in Charles City) by Barbara Houston of QuintonCities & Towns Winner: “Midnight Main Street” (Main Street in Galax) by Larry Thompson of GalaxCoastal & Chesapeake Winner: “Sunrise at Bethel Beach” (Bethel Beach in Mathews County) by Barbara Houston of QuintonFarms & Open Spaces Winner: “Old Barn Sunset” (Route 522 in Rappahannock County) by Robert Golub of CulpeperHighways & Byways Winner: “James City Road to Williamsburg” (Lake Powell Road in James City County) by Roderick Perkinson of WilliamsburgMountains & Valleys Winner: “Sunrise on Sharp Top Mountain” (Peaks of Otter along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Bedford County) by Harold Burnley of KilmarnockRivers & Waterways Winner: “Fire and Ice” (Leesylvania State Park in Prince William County) by Theresa Rasmussen of FredericksburgScenic Trees Winner: “Dogwood Lane” (Blandy Farm in Boyce) by C. Renee Martin of FredericksburgVistas with Wildlife Winner: “Backlit Egret in Autumn” (Stumpy Lake Natural Area in Virginia Beach) by Catherine Johnson of Virginia BeachFan Favorite Winner: “Aquia Creek Landing” (Potomac River at Aquia Creek Landing in Stafford County) by Buddy Secor of Stafford