Treasured Views Engagement
The Scenic Virginia Viewshed project, now titled ‘Treasured Views’, is a multi-pronged effort to identify those scenic landscapes that are most precious to Virginia’s citizenry and to highlight the ones that are worthy of state recognition.
There are certain vistas that continue to inspire us – generation after generation. The mission of this project is to catalog those views that citizens of Virginia perceive as “treasured” and bring awareness to them before development decreases their value to citizens, emotionally and economically.
Participation in this project will help Scenic Virginia to identify the views you perceive as “treasured,” in order to develop a database that can be shared with interested parties, including local, county, and state planners, for consideration in development decision-making processes.
One part of the effort is Community Outreach to see what are communities’ most Treasured Views. What are the views that if lost will be most mourned?
The second part of the viewshed project is to identify the most scenic views through out the Commonwealth; this is called the Viewshed Register.